Increase your efficiency, decrease stress and decision fatigue by more accurately tracking your clients adherence, consistency, progress and so much more with this done-for-you check-in system.
Keep reading to see how this system immediately adds value to you as the coach, to your clients, and to your coaching business!

The daily Tracking Sheet comes pre-built for 365 consecutive days of client reporting. Including inputs for daily weigh-ins, calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, hours of sleep, and relevant notes for any given day.
Sitting top and center are your clients currently assigned macronutrient targets for both training and rest days if you prefer to coach with that depth of control. When you make adjustments your clients can easily and immediately find the updates.
Your clients will also find their specific check-in day of the week set by you, including a direct link to complete an additional check-in form or questionnaire.
The Weekly Check-In Reporting Sheet is pre-built out for 52 blocks each reporting a 7-day period. Providing use for an entire year of check-ins for a client.
Each reporting block has placeholders for your clients to upload front, side, and rear progress photos. (The default placeholder images are also easily customizable.) Each block automatically pulls in 7 days of weight inputs and provides automatically provides you with a 7-day average of weigh-ins for comparing trends.
To monitor accuracy and adherence you can copy in the macro targets set for each week and the system automatically provides a 7-day average for each macronutrient (pro/carb/fat/fiber) by matching the dates pulled from the Daily Tracking Sheet.
An immensely helpful method of measuring progress, especially during periods of body recomposition where scale changes may not accurately illustrate the progress being made.
Your clients will be able to measure changes in body measurements as part of the Weekly Check-In Report section. As the coach, you can configure which sites you would like to be measured. Up to 9 body measurement sites in total can be recorded weekly and auto-reported on changes over time.
This out-of-the-box Reporting Sheet graphs 7 particularly important inputs (body weight, calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat, sleep duration, and daily steps.) Additionally, there are 3 more graphs that track customizable metrics like reported energy, digestion, and stress.
This allows for a very simple and efficient high-level visualization of your client's progression that showcases the trends of your coaching direction and your client's efforts over time.
These done-for-you graphs add value to your coaching services without you having to ever touch or configure them.
This coach configuration sheet has options to change the default front, side, and back placeholder images to any custom images of your own. You can add up to three different custom sets to better represent the type of clientele base you work with.
Insert the link to your Google Form, Typeform, or any questionnaire/form you use to have clients provide you with additional check-in details. There is also an existing done-for-you check-in Google Form you can "one-click" copy to get started!
Modify which day of the week you want each client to have their updates input and submit their check-in by.
This bonus Macronutrient & Meal Timing table includes four customizable inputs. Two for peri-workout carbohydrate and fat "weights" to partition more or less carbohydrate around meals immediately surrounding your client's training windows.
Two more input selections are included for choosing the frequency of meals typically eaten on both training and rest days. These tables provide a layout for how to approximately distribute calories and macronutrients evenly based on the weighted distribution and number of meals selected by you or your clients.
This bonus built-in Maintenance Calories Estimator table will calculate an estimated maintenance calories starting point from 5 biometric inputs your client provides to you. This is very helpful for easily determining a baseline level of calories quickly directly within the system.
This estimator table includes options for approximate calorie and macronutrient distributions available for 6 different dietary preference styles; low fat, balanced, low carb, zone, keto, & vegan.
Note: This bonus table is entirely optional and can be removed with zero impact on the remaining sheets and tables.
This bonus Photo Comparison Tool allows you to quickly compare two separate week's check-in photos side by side to assess changes to help determine weekly visual progress.
Additionally, this tool helps you create branded before and after client transformation photos. You can share these transformations to help establish authority as part of your marketing outreach.
Trusted by 1,200+ coaches across 55+ countries to better serve their nutrition coaching clients all over the world.

"When I first started nutrition coaching it was important to me as a business owner to have a professional looking, client-facing reporting spreadsheet. I couldn't find anything that checked all the boxes. So I built this template, over multiple iterations, each time adding new features from client feedback. Now I've made this same exact template available to you at a price point that is 100% accessible."
Of course! You can see a walkthrough of the template in this YouTube video here.
As a coach you would create copies of the master, each client gets their own copy and should be named appropriately.
For example if you have 5 clients (Clients A-E) you would duplicate your Master copy once for Client A, again for Client B, a third time for Client C....each client gets their own copy.
Then you share file A with client A. Both you and the client have read/write access to the file so you can collaborate on it in real time.
As the coach you set/modify client A's macros and changes each week and then client A fills in the input data for their morning weigh-ins and daily macronutrients they ate the previous day from Cronometer or MFP or wherever.
Then whenever you and your client have your check-in schedule set, all of the data is already in here, progress photos, weekly weigh-ins and the average, macronutrients and the average, etc.
No, as an individual who wants to do their own nutrition this template is immensely helpful.
Two of the most beneficial reasons for hiring a coach are objectivity and accountability, this template helps provide the objectivity you would otherwise not have.
It can be difficult to determine rate of progress without periodic check-ins with yourself, averaging your weigh-in periods to measure progress toward your goal, and putting the data in front of you to recap how adherent you actually are to the set of macro targets you have set for yourself.
This template cleanly puts all of that data in front you.
Yes, and I encourage you if you are a nutrition coach and using this template for managing your own clients.
Yes, you can change them to anything you want to use. As a bonus is you can change them all at once! Please watch this video to see how you can do this.
365 days of consecutive reporting and 52 week long check-in "blocks" are pre-configured ready to go out of the box. You can customize the "start date" and the corresponding weeks and days will auto-update from your custom input start date. You can duplicate a pristine copy for use after you have finished filling 365 days.
Yes, when completing your purchase you will need to provide a Gmail or G Suite email address so I can share your version of the master copy with you.
This Template was built for use in Google Sheets. This makes collaboration with your clients seamless and avoids the issues of multiple filenames, stale/outdated versions, MS Office licenses, and unsupported versioning issues. That being said, you can port this to Excel however I cannot ensure 100% compatibility with whichever version of Excel you might have.
This template includes a "maintenance calories estimating" starting point that can provide ballpark numbers to use as a jumping off point however for ongoing direction you should hire a nutrition coach. For working with me personally, take a look at my nutrition coaching and education service here.